Friday, December 2, 2011

Where oh Where art thou Coach....

It has almost been a full month since Ole Miss dismissed Houston Nutt as HC of our beloved football team. The last two years have been hard on the majority of us that have seen every tradition striped away for our team, Winning being the major player here. Only thing that could have made this less painful is if we had Col.Reb paroling the sidelines instead of this shameful cardboard wearing black bear. Now back to the purpose of this post who will be the next HC of Ole Miss football. In my opinion, whatever it means, there is only one clear choice now that my man Mike Leach has been hired. We need a offensive minded coach that knows the importance of defense, someone who can look at his past coaching experience and see that his teams did not become dominant until he had a stout defense. A coach who will bring take it to Mullins every time, a coach that seeks to return pride (and Col.Reb) to Ole Miss. We need some one who will run the score up on any team once we get the down, by the way this isn't a gentlemen game for those of you who think LESS Miles did us a favor by kneeling it with five minutes left in the game. We need a dirty defense that makes opposing teams worry when they come into our house. we need a coach that the players love and will give their all to play for. there is only one coach that can do that, but if we don't act quickly we will lose him to another school. that Coach is Larry Fedora.

I don't have any inside sources or no one to confirm or deny anything that has been said. i only have one thing to say to the administration of Ole Miss stop trying to be so PC and be Ole Miss.

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