Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Introducing Mr.Freeze

So now we have our coach. At first I was oppose to this hire, but the more I read about him and hearing him speak has pretty much won me over. Coach Freeze has a 30-7 record as a head coach. A Sun Belt Championship, two HS Championship, four Regional Championships, and two HS Girls Basketball Championships, five HS Coach of the year awards. To me this is a guy that knows how to win. I know he doesn't have twenty years as a assistant at the college level like a lot of the guys that coach in our beloved SEC. Sometimes you have to take a gamble on a unknown to win big. The majority of the fans (me included) wanted a big name coach to come in and sweep away the memories from the last two seasons, that's what happened four years ago. Ole Miss needs someone like this, a person that knows the traditions of our great institution. A Coach that knows what the Egg Bowl means to us. Coach Freeze said in his press conference yesterday, "the Egg Bowl isn't big, its paramount." Coach Freeze also went onto talk about how in his system everyone will be accountable to the next person, if one person fails everyone fails. He also introduced the theme in his locker room, FAMILY, and proceeded to tell us what it was going to mean in that locker room. F-faith, A-attitude, M-mental toughness, L-love, I-integrity,Y-you. in my opinion, for what it is worth, this is what a team should be.

During the press conference Coach Freeze also took some shots at that MSU stating that "one university likes to claim that their the flagship University, but there is only one flagship University in Mississippi and Ole Miss is that University." i have to admit in the last four years no one from our University, employees of Ole Miss, had even tried to take a stand and have let Mullet and MSU have their way in this rivalry. To all my MSU friends:
Allow me to break the ice, my name is Freeze. Learn it well. Its chilling sound will be your doom.

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