Friday, January 8, 2016

Loss of 2015

No one is really every prepared to lose someone that they are close to, no matter if it is family or friends. I really felt this during the past year it started off on January 3rd of 2015 with a text message saying one of my closest friends had past away from a tumor on his brain. You are never prepared to see a friend laying in a coffin knowing you will never see them or speak to them again. Through out the year I would pick my phone up and call Charlie and then realize no one would pick up the phone.

During the latter part of the year I have had two aunts and one uncle pass away. I was unable to attend any of the funerals due to work. My Aunt Marie was the first to pass away. When I was younger I would go spend the night at her house and my Uncle Marvin would ask me if I wanted to be there and my reply always  was "I'm not here by choice!" which wasn't true I loved going to their house because I got to do anything I got to stay up late and have all the candy I wanted. Aunt Marie had a face you could read like a book, but you never had to worry about where she stood on anything she would tell you just to make sure you understood why she looked at you the way she did. I will always cherish my memories and the time we spent together.

My Uncle Buddy was the nest to pass away. When I worked away from home I would call Uncle Buddy and we would talk about fishing and where I was and where I was going next. He always told me next time you home you need to get down here and see me and met me meet that pretty baby of yours and your wife. I was never able to make that trip, there always seemed to be something going on or work, not only that I always figured I had plenty of time to let him meet my family. When Uncle Buddy was around there was never a dull moment, just a pair of dark shades and a big smile. he never met a stranger and when he did he introduced himself. If someone needed something he did everything that he could to help. If he was still here with us I would make a special trip down the see him just so he could meet my family and he could make them smile and laugh.

The latest to pass was my Aunt Virginia or Aunt Sis and most of us knew her by. I was down around her house less than two weeks ago and my dad ask me, " Chance why don't you stop by and go see Aunt Sis?" I replied, "I'll stop by next time and down and see her." Not knowing there would be a next time. I always there would be more time, one more bowl of Sackett stew and some story of how that was made and who ate it. A story about her and Uncle Jimmy traveling all over the U.S in a big rig. Or the story of her yelling at Uncle Jimmy because I was driving away in his crew cab pickup towards a ditch, I was 5 at the time. There will always be regrets, but there will also always be great memories of times that we shared.

Some people think I think of myself as better than some of my family, and I'll be honest that has some truth to it depending on who it is. the three family member mentions above are not to be counted in that crowd. I would have been at there funerals if there would have been a way for me to be there. I was lucky enough to be able to make it to Charlie's and say goodbye to my friend. If this past year has taught me anything at all it is to cherish the time we have here and spend it with those you love.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Life Goes On

I haven't been keeping up with the blog like one should this past year. There are multiple things that i could be sharing with everyone. Let me start by saying, this past year was a year of change. I resigned from my position at TLWallace a company that i had been a part of for the last seven years. On one of my weeks home Kristi and I discussed the possibility and decided it was the right move for our family. We stepped out on a limb of faith being that I did not have a job or one lined up at the time. I was lucky enough to be able to take a month off and just relaxed and be with my family for longer than five days without trying to cram everything in. July was a month of nothing but family it was amazing.

In August I began to apply for jobs and interviews for many. I took a job at Cspire, because of my background with computer and cellphone towers. I have learned a great deal from the people that I have worked with and continue to do so. I am very thankful for God placing this group of people in my life, and also thankful for getting to be home with my family over the past six months.

With the beginning of a new year, it's the turning of a page and a new chapter in our lives. I look forward to the winds of change that are coming and the new direction that god has given my family. 2016 will be a year of change...